The Thaumaturge Gameplay Trailer and Demo out now!

The Thaumaturge

The Thaumaturge is a story-driven RPG with morally ambiguous choices, taking place in the culturally diverse world of early 20th-century Warsaw. In this world, salutors exist: esoteric beings that only thaumaturges can truly perceive and use for their needs.

Hello everyone! We have a bunch of exciting news to share with you today![list] [*] We now know the release date! The Thaumaturge is [b]coming to PCs on December 5[/b] and consoles in early 2024. [*] There's a new Gameplay Trailer out now. [*] You can [b]play The Thaumaturge Demo[/b] right now during the Steam Next Fest until October 16. [/list] [h3]The Thaumaturge - Official Gameplay Trailer | PC Date Reveal[/h3] [previewyoutube=I60mEgReO5M;full][/previewyoutube] After a lengthy time away, Wiktor returns to a Warsaw that feels familiar, yet he is also discovering how much has changed during his absence. The year is 1905, and the city thrives with culture but is also plagued by crime and the conflicting interests of a multicultural society. For Salutors, demons that feed on human flaws and can only be controlled by Thaumaturges, street thugs are no match, just like others who resort to violence to make their point. However, the gift they bestow upon their master—or perhaps a curse, depending on one's perspective—extends beyond mere combat. [h3]Play The Thaumaturge Demo! Available now until October 16.[/h3] For the very first time the demo is available for everyone to play during the Steam Next Fest. You'll have a chance to play through the Prologue, which should give you a good feel of the game without spoiling the plot too much. [h3]Please share your demo feedback with us using the form below.[/h3] It will be a great support and we'll appreciate it dearly! [url=]PLEASE SHARE YOUR FEEDBACK HERE[/url] Also, for those of you who intend on giving the demo a try, here's a list of current issues that we're aware of and intend to fix before the release. Please, keep those in mind when reviewing your experience :) List of known issues:[list] [*][b]Key Rebinding[/b] We are aware that the demo version lacks a possibility to rebind keys to your own needs. It will be possible in the final release of the game. [*][b]Visible hitches while loading a save file[/b] We are aware of this issue, it will be resolved in the final release of the game. [*][b]Settings[/b] Some settings available in the Options menu might have a slight or seemingly no effect on desired change or can be reset after restarting the game, we are aware of it, tweaks will be done and everything will be operational in the final release of the game. [*][b]Gamepad Controller[/b] It is possible to experience The Thaumaturge on gamepad controller, however singular cases of gamepad controls might not be operational, i.e singular button in the Conclusions sub-menu, in such cases please use either mouse or keyboard. Those singular issues will be resolved in the final release of the game. [*][b]Twisted hands[/b] Rarely you might encounter twisted arms during the dialogues. This issue will be resolved in the final release of the game. [*][b]Optimization[/b] We are still heavily working on optimization and this work will be continued until the final release of the game.[/list] [b]Add The Thaumaturge to your wishlist and don't miss any future updates:[/b] Take care, Fool's Theory and 11 bit studios [b]Join our discord and stay in touch:[/b]