The Talos Principle Gold Edition is now available at 81% off!

Serious Sam 3: BFE

Serious Sam 3: BFE is a prequel to the original indie fast action FPS and Game of the Year sensation - Serious Sam: The First Encounter!

[img][/img] Feeling philosophical? So many puzzling choices. Here's a no-brainer – The Talos Principle Gold Edition is now available! Gold Edition includes the original game and every DLC budnled together, and represents a fantastic value for new players (Srsly? Never played Talos?). Thanks to Midweek Madness, it's currently heavily discounted (-81%). [h1] If you already own the game, you can grab just the DLC packs at 75% off![/h1] Grab them now, as the offer ends Friday at 10am Pacific Time.