Rising Lords is a medieval turn-based strategy game with card and board game elements. Send your serfs to fight and die in your name... or let them prosper, and use them to your advantage!
[h1]Lords and Ladies![/h1]
Firstly, we would like to [b]thank you for the fantastic feedback[/b] we received from the Closed Beta participants of our upcoming Story Campaign. Your insights while testing the different chapters have really helped us to fix some of the issues and add a little more polish to this brand new feature of Rising Lords!
We're constantly working on improving various aspects of the game and getting closer and closer to the version we had in mind when we started this project. When you consider that we're just a very small team with a passion for game development, [b]it's really exciting to see how far we've come[/b]!
We can't stress enough how grateful we are to all the people who interact with us and our game, be it on Steam, Discord, or any other platform. It is a [i]huge [/i]help to us as we gather feedback and continue to refine Rising Lords to make it the best possible experience for both old and new players alike! ❤️
[h1]Story Campaign Content[/h1]
To make the wait for the full release a little sweeter, we want to give something back to our Early Access players for all the support you've given us: [b]Today we're releasing the first two chapters of our new Story Campaign[/b] to give you a taste of what's to come!
Lots of love and work went into this feature and we couldn't be happier to finally show you some of it: After the tragic battle of Tarasso in the Prologue, [b]follow Tankred on his next adventures[/b] as he meets new allies and enemies, and faces rebellions across the realm!
We'd love to hear from you, so be sure to let us know what decisions you've made for the future of House Tannheim here on Steam or on our [url=https://discord.gg/ZWMU87rtfY]Community Discord[/url]! ⚔️
[h1]Full Changelog[/h1]
[h2]0.22.6 (Oktober 16) [/h2]
The main addition is this patch are the first two story missions that we decided to make available for play already for our early access supporters while we finish polishing the rest of the story campaign.
New games don't have a waypoint in castles anymore. we felt that it was not adding to the fun or gameplay that you had to conquer the castle again after winning the regional battle.
[h3]Fixes: [/h3]
[*] Fixed 'fullscreen' setting not sticking after game reload
[*] Fixed compression error on old save games.
[*] Fixed savegame header problem with corrupted savegames
[*] Fixed garrisons not appearing before battle
[*] Fixed army overlapping merchant bug (again)
[*] Fixed steam workshop maps not displaying in-game
[*] Fixed a "save read only" problem when manually saving.
[*] Fixed load game from in-game menu not working if different save versions
[*] Fixed mouse pan not always working in all directions
[*] Fixed castle mode init locking game for several seconds on large maps
[*] Fixed dairy consumption displaying incorrectly depending on ration level
[*] Fixed Japanese text overlap w/ skill cards
[*] Fixed some Japanese tut messages not performing dictionary lookups
[*] Fixed Japanese not displaying all new info cards / soft-lock w/ health card
[*] Fixed several other minor Japanese language issues
[*] Fixed merchants avoiding invisible garrisons / tweaked token pos radial search
[*] Fixed long-standing bug where some multilayer tiles had ugly white outline artifacts
[*] Fixed Escape or Back terms being transposed.
[*] Fixed a few texts having a variable name, instead of what the variable is.
[*] Fixed game speed being reset.
[*] Fixed two editor tips having issues.
[*] Fixed menu sliders not adhering to their maximums and minimums.
[*] Fixed deadzone slider allowing input 'clipping' w/ joysticks
[*] Fixed notification scrolls behind graphics + server options.
[*] Fixed game saves with empty titles crashing game upon load
[*] Added multiplayer host to require 2 ready to start the game. This prevents the host from getting stuck in an endless loading screen.
[*] Fixed MP lobby issues where you could start when a player was not ready
[*] Fixed battle gamepad hints showing during skill tree in custom battle.
[*] Fixed a scenario menu back button crash
[*] Fixed rare army disband crash
[*] Fixed battle tile tool-tips prioritizing over mission tasks
[*] Fixed 'one move required' warning removed while in battle skill tree
[*] Fixed long-press of card icon in battle skill tree
[*] Fixed 'random deck' spawning particles / cards @ incorrect coordinates
[*] Fixed battle cards rendering behind skill tree skill icons
[*] Fixed map tiles suddenly missing more walls having more half-houses
[*] Fixed load / delete menus for sp/mp displaying incorrectly
[*] Fixed 'version difference' popup displaying on empty auto-saves
[*] Fixed auto-govern from making a situation where player could drop a peasant in and it would vanish
[*] Fixed edge-case crash w/ small window size boot on Proton / VMs
[*] Fixed some maps w/ uninitialized story tree JSON crashing in editor
[*] Fixed wanderers spazzing out at certain angles
[*] Fixed battle gamepad hints being out of place when placing the general.
[*] Fixed a problem with decimal/fractional units
[*] Fixed janky load/delete menu switching (editor vs. loading games)
[*] Fixed red/green farmers not adjusting tooltips correctly
[*] Fixed 'close editor' confirm not working correctly
[*] Fixed edge-case w/ single fog tiles appearing white
[*] Fixed cancel smithy deconstruction resulting in incorrect peasant spine
[*] Fixed 'Start Battle' in MP missing joystick snap point
[*] Fixed a custom battle MP freeze
[*] Fixed seeds being increased in winter w/ some multi-winter cases
[*] Fixed incorrect team coloring in some custom general cases
[*] Fixed army, autogovern, provisions buttons sometimes flickering to top left
[*] Added gamepad battle hints to not show during battle summary.
[*] Fixed gamepad hint showing on each event card, when there are no gamepad hot buttons with event cards.
[*] Fixed white font on light discard button during battle.
[*] Fixed skill card activated hovering under gamepad hints during battle.
[*] Fixed story tree tasks obscuring gamepad hints during battle.
[*] Fixed a problem with AI eating more livestock than it should
[h3]Changes: [/h3]
[*] performance improvements for end turn
[*] reworked the army and token pathfinding system
[*] removed 'quick restore' and 'export' entries in the main menu
[*] Autosave extra files are now an option. False as default to make end turn faster.
[*] changed autosave so it triggers when pressing the back to title, save, save as, load button. To prevent sace corruption
[*] en and ger language file updates
[*] more loading tips
[*] tweaks to AI army compositions
[*] Added save + exit terms to graphics + audio + language options.
[*] Added disband AI armies when the AI player has 3 or more armies using more than 25% of their generals. Armies will only be disbanded when on their own regions.
[*] Added Pvariable to limit the amount of armies that AI can muster at once.
[*] improved wanderer spawn time
[*] Modified Neutral AI to have a 15% build chance, rather than the default 10%.
[*] Added 2 more wide banner widths for the item tool tips
[*] reduced season transition stutter
[*] 'play tutorial first' warning to multiplayer button
[*] Added AI to know that it should eat livestock that have no fields.
[*] Adjust multiplayer menu so you don't click the kick button and the name button to show xbox user profile at the same time.
[*] merchant +10/100 tip now shows up outside of the tutorial
[*] Modified end turn gamepad button to be center left button.
[*] halloween graphics off for now
[*] Scenario and MP menu user feedback why buttons can not be pressed.
[*] Added controller jump support to multiplayer's ready + not ready buttons in the campaign setup.
[*] gamepad hints in several places
[*] delete army node for story tree
[*] add general node for story tree
[*] removed 'conquer castle' tutorial card
[*] moral loss for a unit being attacking that can't retaliate from -6 to -7
[*] morale loss for all units when losing a complete unit from -3 to -4
[*] bonus for eliminating a troop stack from +8 to +10
[*] reduced wool income by 20%
[*] animal growth with no or very low starting animals from 3 to 5 for sheep and 3 to 4 for sheep and cows
[*] heavy armor now cost 1 wool each
[*] light armor wool cost from 5 to 7
[*] increased wages/upkeep for troops by about 50%
[*] slightly increased wool cost for buildings that required it
(promoting more tactical gameplay and less mini troop stacks, wool was just too abundant all the time, upkeep for troops didn't really seem to matter.)