The Steam Awards 2021 – Nominate Us!

Orbital Racer

A unique combination of space and racing sims. Choose between fast-paced, explosive action or more realistic simulation where drifting around every corner becomes more than just a gimmick - it's a necessity. Race around distinct locations such as the rings of Saturn or orbital city on Venus.

Hello there! This year’s [b]Steam Awards nominations[/b] have just begun, and, like so many others, we would like to ask you to nominate our game! Just like Steam says, we’re like good parents and want all the best for our game baby, even when it’s been some time since its release. So we’d be very stoked if you nominate Orbital Racer to the [b]Labor of Love Award[/b]. You can cast your vote till December 1st. If you do so, you can receive a nice badge from Steam – visit [url=]this[/url] page for more info.