The Speedrun Update!

Moto Knight

Moto Knight is the world's first Motocross Dungeon Crawler! Navigate your way through dozens of trap-filled stages while trying to keep your dirtbike upright.

[b]New Features[/b] [list] [*] Added a level timer that records your fastest time in each level [*] Added a game timer that tracks the pace of your overall run [*] Added a scoreboard to the pause menu that shows which levels you’ve completed and the fastest times you’ve achieved on them [*] Added a “New Game” button to the pause menu so you can quickly restart your entire run [/list] [b]Bug Fixes/Minor Changes[/b] [list] [*] Fixed a bug that would cause the game to lock if the player pressed space during a cut scene [*] Updated music file with improved mixing [*] Buffed Spinning Hammer Barrier in Level Select Dungeon [/list]