The Sounds of Nightmares - Chapter 3 - is available now 🎧

Little Nightmares

Take on the role of Six, a lone child lost in a massive metal vessel known as the Maw, surrounded by dangerous, distorted versions of adults. You’ll need to do your best to escape in one piece or your fate will be worse than you ever dared dream.

[h2]Noone's nightmares grow more vivid and terrifying by the day as evidenced by her visit to an abandoned shopping mall. But what's stranger is that her dreams are beginning to bear uncanny similarities to those of someone from The Counsellor's past.[/h2] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/44536241/b8af1c378173e80e344b4849a6ca83e5e7f7944a.png[/img] [h2][url=]Listen to the Chapter 3 "The Theater of the Mind".[/url][/h2] [h1]↓ ↓ ↓[/h1] [url=][img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/44536241/1014052eadfe2c933bf31d38d2720889b248d4ff.png[/img][/url] [h2][i]Available in other languages: [list] [*] FR - Le Bruit des Cauchemars [*] ES - El Murmullo de las Pesadillas [*] DE - Der Klang der Albträume [*] IT - Il Suono Degli Incubi [/list][/i][/h2]