The Settlers: New Allies Gears of Prosperity Update

Gears of Prosperity, the new free content update for [b]The Settlers: New Allies[/b], is out. The update adds new buildings, gameplay features, and balancing updates to the real-time settlement building strategy game. Read on for a full list of all the new features: [h1][b]New Gameplay Feature - Gadgets[/b][/h1] Gadgets are limited items that grant players consumable powers. Four gadgets have been added: [list] [*] Boom Drill: Accelerates the extraction of underground deposits by unearthing multiple ores. [*] Smokescreen: Provides temporary invisibility to stationary military units. Effect stops once they move or attack. [*] Emergency Alarm: Provides 18 temporary citizen guards that are very weak outside of their own territory. [*] Mechanized Training Dummies: Instantly finishes the recruitment process or spawning timer for all recruitment buildings or residences in range. [/list] [h1][b]New Buildings[/b][/h1] [b]Water Well[/b] Water is used in all classic recipes and has new uses in research. Farm, Bakery, and Ranch now all take an additional input of water to produce. [b]Finesmith[/b] The Finesmith produces Gears from Iron Bars, Coal, and Gold Ore. Gears replace gold as the recruitment cost for Faction Units. [b]Decorative Buildings[/b] These ornamental buildings brighten up the look of any settlement. They are cheap to build, have low health, and offer no competitive advantage. [b]Workshop[/b] Workshops are used create different Gadgets, including the ones mentioned above. [list] [*] Gadget costs vary by type. [*] Gears are always part of the cost. [*] Gadgets have a maximum storage of charges, regardless of the number of Workshops or Warehouses built. [*] Gadgets have a long production time [/list] [h1][b]Balancing Highlights[/b][/h1] [list] [*] Population limit for all 1v1 casual and PvP maps is increased to 999. [*] Farms can no longer be placed near the coast. [*] Replaced Advanced Alchemy with Defense Draughts, a new research option for Alchemists/Shamans/Mystics. [*] Added a second rank to Focus Crystals [*] Engineer vision range increased from 3 to 5. [*] Recall cooldown increased from 15 minutes to 20 minutes. [/list]