The Prison is shifting!

Wizard's Way Out

A small puzzle game about getting out of big trouble! Trapped in a prison, a Wizard uses telekinesis to push and pull their way out and escape together with newfound friends!

[h2]Hello Wizards![/h2] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/43754279/2cf54db3b036a70f97cef47de9236b8fdc8a8504.gif[/img] You hear a strange sound, as if the walls of the prison are moving! A magical phrase appears in thin air: The Difficulty Curve Has Been Adjusted. Confused, you continue forward. You have to escape the prison no matter what this difficulty curve is. The level selection screen seems prettier somehow, like a world designer passed here and made sure things fit better. TBH It's really hard to talk about settings in prose, so you will be glad to learn that we also added text speed settings! You can now get your dialogues: [list] [*] S L O W [*] M E D I U M [*] F A S T [*] INSTANT [/list] Thank you for supporting our indie dream ❤ If you want to give us feedback, chat or anything else, hit us up on the Steam forums or Discord! Have fun, Kikimora Crew