The Path to Release

Crimson Gray: Dusk and Dawn

A slice of life visual novel with the emphasis on the slicing. Play as a mentally unstable young woman with blood on her hands trying to adapt to a normal life.

I'm pleased to officially announce that this continuation to Crimson Gray should be coming later this year! This is the place to follow if you're interested in getting more information. To start us off, I'll lay out where we are now and what needs to happen for the VN to be released. [b]Writing:[/b] I wrote everything, edited, got a round of feedback, and have made revisions. Aside from some polishing, this aspect of the game is done. [b]Background Art:[/b] This game will have all custom backgrounds. Currently about 50% of them are finished and the rest are being completed at a steady rate. [b]Character Art:[/b] Finished. John and the generic male/female characters are drawn and fully implemented in the game. [b]CG Art:[/b] Partially finished but waiting, as the artist only recently had time to begin working on these again. So that is our current situation! I cannot promise an exact release date, as it will be somewhat dependent on the artists' schedules. Once all the assets are added, there will be a phase of final testing and integration into Steam. But the core of the game is complete and I think it is reasonable to hope it will come out later this year. ^-^