The Path of Calydra demo CONTEST WINNERS!

The Path of Calydra

The Path of Calydra is a beautiful 3D adventure platformer set in the fantastic world of Calysgore. Featuring the young boy Matheus joined by a mysterious entity called Calydra. The two embark on a quest of finding four crystals that represent lost elemental powers.

Dear contestants! [b]We have the results of the contest! [/b] But, before that... [b]Thank you so much for playing our combat demo! [/b] and all the feedback you've sent us. We're carefully analyzing your experiences to make the game better. [b]Here are the winners: [/b] BrasilART cyhs411044 PomboJedi Kazuma Nievinski Logan Revenger Przemotar EvoSanosuke Thimoten Mi0s Please, contact us via this profile: Add to friends list and we will guide you further. Congrats! Finalboss x VARSAV Game Studios