The new turn-based strategy, Guards II: Chaos in Hell!

Guards II: Chaos in Hell

Sow chaos in Hell by leading a fearless group of heroes through five different underworld realms. Survive against hordes of evil creatures in an entertaining turn-based combat on your way to finding and facing the Devil himself!

You have made a deal with a demon, and now, together with a team of brave heroes, you have to travel through the five worlds of Hell and fight against hordes of infernal entities to stop the Devil himself. Guards II: Chaos in Hell is a turn-based tactical game with simple rules and very deep gameplay mechanics. Swap out your heroes to take turns attacking the enemy. It sounds easy enough, but in reality, each move requires careful thought and planning. [previewyoutube=8VkhWTBn9QU;full][/previewyoutube] Guards II: Chaos in Hell features: [list] [*] An original turn-based battle system; [*] Eight heroes with unique abilities and combat techniques; [*] A skill system with various variations; [*] A branching upgrade tree for each hero; [*] Five different otherworlds, each with unique monsters. [/list] Add Guards II: Chaos in Hell to your Wishlist, subscribe to the game's Steam page, and share the news with your friends! Regards, Guards II: Chaos in Hell Team