The MIX Showcase for Doors of Insanity: ReOpened is now LIVE!

Doors of Insanity: ReOpened

Gear up, sling cards, and power through the endless doors of Purgatory in this demo for Doors of Insanity: ReOpened!

The MIX Showcase for Doors of Insanity: ReOpened is now LIVE! We are excited to share that Doors Of Insanity: ReOpened is featured on this year’s MIX Showcase on Steam! This exciting collaboration between OneShark and Neon Doctrine is coming in hot! Be sure to check it out and don’t forget to [url=][i][u]Wishlist[/u][/i][/url] the game, join our [url=][u][i]community[/i][/u], [/url]follow our [url=][i][u]socials[/u][/i][/url], and don't forget to follow us on steam too for future updates! [][img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/44615942/ae722c0b337c54ba93f693c123684e2d591eb256.png[/img][/url]