The Miserable Crimson Hooded Girl release

The Miserable Crimson Hooded Girl

Once upon a time, there was a miserable girl in a crimson hood. Her mother was unwell, so the girl was sent away to go stay with her grandmother, who lived deep within the woods in a strange house. People say that around those parts there resides a monster called the Gobbler, who preys on the weak...

It's going to say that The Miserable Crimson Hooded Girl has released, unfortunately I can't change that at this point, but it's not releasing right this moment. But you won't have to wait very long, it's releasing on January 26th if all goes well. That's not an optimistic release date, if I can release ahead of time I will. Just me giving a safe estimate. It's nearly done, I hope it surprises all of you, it's definitely a little experimental game!