Hey there everyone! Vox games here. We'd like to show you just a few of the MANY ways to die in our upcoming Cooperative Rimworld Like Meeple Station. The above is a bombing run by space pirates or enemy factions that just don't like your stupid face.
Space depression is something you need to be VERY wary of in Meeple Station!
Next up (but certainly not LAST!) are meteor strikes. You'll be able to create shield generators to counteract most strikes on your station and help your meeple with their suicidal tendencies, but we're keeping a lid on all the other (many, many, MANY) ways your meeple could die spectacularly.
Hunger, oxygen depravation, toxic fumes, heck, even radioactive face eating space squids are a danger! Keep in mind, however, that there's always a way to combat these types of deaths so they are never silly or mindless, you'll be able to protect yourself with hazmat suits, shield generators, and a myriad of different helpful meeple that'll keep your little guys going longer and stronger!
http://www.meeplestation.com/demo.html Grab the Demo here!
https://store.steampowered.com/app/900010/Meeple_Station/ Wishlist here
https://discord.gg/eGhaPva Join our discord here!