πŸ’ŽThe last update before we leave Early Access - here is the Comfort Pack

Yupitergrad 2: The Lost Station

In Yupitergrad 2, the players have extended mobility, a wider selection of tools, and a much richer game world with an open-ended structure. This is a VR adventure worth waiting for. The legend is back, bigger and better.

[img]https://clan.akamai.steamstatic.com/images/40000399/99624d644b61b9a99bf9fd2331bac688b114f360.png[/img] Dear players and adventurers, we have good news for you! We're nearing our [b]departure from the Early Access [/b]phase! Throughout the past three months, our dedicated team has poured their efforts into enhancing [url=https://store.steampowered.com/app/1917810/Rooms_of_Realities/][b]Rooms of Realities[/b][/url], transforming it into a more expansive and improved gaming experience. Thanks to the support of the community and the progress of our development team, we can now announce that [b]our next update will be an update to version 1.00[/b]. We're very excited about this and are working on polishing every aspect of the game so far. Before we delve into what lies ahead, let's first explore [b]the additions in the Comfort Pack Update.[/b] These features are designed to elevate your gaming comfort: πŸŽ‰ [b]Victory Rooms [/b]- unique rooms where you can celebrate completing scenarios and take photos as souvenirs! πŸŽ‰ [b]Free movement[/b] (without teleportation) πŸŽ‰ [b]Free rotation[/b] πŸŽ‰ [b]Vignette options[/b] πŸŽ‰ [b]Minor bug fixes and improvements[/b] πŸͺNaturally, the conclusion of the Early Access phase marks just the initial step on the journey ahead. You will learn about what we plan and how we will deliver it in our next announcements soon. Stay with us! Now it is worth taking a look at the scenarios that make up Rooms of Realities again: [b]πŸ”Ž In the Shadow of the Pyramids scenario: [/b] [previewyoutube=ZmDn9g4Q-bE;full][/previewyoutube] [b]πŸ”Ž The Forsaken Asylum scenario:[/b] [previewyoutube=-O1xZhUtu04;full][/previewyoutube] [b]πŸ”Ž Nemo’s Mysterious Formula scenario:[/b] [previewyoutube=ra1DJAeWOQw;full][/previewyoutube] We hope you had a lot of fun with these Escape Rooms and that you managed to complete all the puzzles, especially with friends! https://store.steampowered.com/app/1917810/Rooms_of_Realities/ We are honored to have you with us during Early Access, which is a big challenge for us. We will provide you with more information about Rooms of Realities soon! πŸ˜‰ [i]~Bluekey & Gamedust Team[/i]