Are YOU ready to prove what it takes to become a Champion in lab practice? [i]HoloLAB Champions[/i], the virtual reality lab practice game show, is now available on Steam for the HTC Vive.
Pour, measure, and tare yourself to success through multiple mini-labs and final challenges.
From the creators of [i] I Expect You To Die [/i] ([url=] Store page [/url]), [i] HoloLAB Champions [/i] is a highly polished VR experience that will keep you immersed in the HoloLAB, with hosts Earl & Meyer cheering you on. Take advantage of the 20% launch discount if you buy the game this week. It's a no brainer!
Become a Lab Champion!
[i]Are you an Educator? [] Get your resources.[/url] [/i]