The Jackbox Party Starter is coming June 30th

The Jackbox Party Pack 7

Five new games: the hit threequel Quiplash 3, the collaborative chaos of The Devils and the Details, the fierce drawing game Champ’d Up, the speech game Talking Points and the guessing game Blather 'Round. Use phones or tablets as controllers and play with up to 8 players, and an audience of 10,000!

The Jackbox Party Starter is the most recent Jackbox Games release. Available June 30th, this bundle will include settings and language updates to Quiplash 3. [b]WHO:[/b] Jackbox Games [b]WHAT:[/b] The launch of The Jackbox Party Starter [b]WHERE:[/b] Steam codes can be found in the official Jackbox Games Shop and on the [url=]Steam store[/url]. [b]WHEN: [/b]Thursday, June 30th 2022 [b]WHY:[/b] The Jackbox Party Starter is the ultimate place to start if you are: [list] [*] New to Jackbox [*] Unsure of which game to play at your next party [*] A very thoughtful gift-giver [*] A streamer who is looking for new settings and features in these games [*] Someone who is trying to learn a new language [*] Trying to connect with your French girlfriend through gaming [/list] [b]HOW:[/b] Much? Only $19.99! We look forward to seeing you. Please RSVP by adding this bundle of joy (and party games) to your Steam wishlist [url=]here[/url].