The Inspiration Behind Scene Makers & F.A.Qs

Core Keeper

Explore an endless cavern of creatures, relics and resources in a mining sandbox adventure for 1-8 players. Mine, build, fight, craft and farm to unravel the mystery of the ancient Core.

We announced our [url=]Scene Makers open community project[/url] on Monday the 11th of March and, since then, we’ve had hundreds of entries! We’re already going through your submissions, and we’re very impressed with what we’ve seen so far! If you’re wondering what Scene Makers is, head on over to [url=]this post[/url] to find out more including information on rules and guidelines and how to submit. We’ve had lots of questions about Scene Makers since we started the project – from queries about what constitutes a scene all the way to people wondering how the scenes will fit into 1.0. So, we thought we’d take a little time to today to talk to you about the inspiration behind Scene Makers and answer some of your F.A.Qs! [h1]The Inspiration Behind Scene Makers[/h1] Scene Makers was an idea pitched by our community management and marketing teams. We’re passionate about giving players the opportunity to influence the game, be that through feedback or suggestions, and we’ve been including your community-requested features since our Early Access launch. The inspiration for Scene Makers came from our desire to give players the opportunity to leave a lasting touch and be a part of Core Keeper history as we power up into a full 1.0 version of the game later this year. We wanted to do this through something fun and exciting that stood out as a more direct way for players to see their impact on the game. That’s when our community managers asked if it would be possible to showcase some of your amazing creations in the game itself and Scene Makers was born! We’ll be selecting at least 50 of your scenes to appear in the 1.0 version of Core Keeper, and you can expect to see community scenes of all shapes and sizes across the game’s many biomes. We’ve got lots of exciting things in store for 1.0 that we’ve been working on and refining throughout the development process, and we’re excited for Scene Makers to serve as an addition to the amazing content we’ve got planned and the plethora of new scenes that we're developing on our side. Think of them as the cherry on top of our 1.0 sundae! Participation is totally optional, but we’re very happy to see so many of you getting stuck in. Because the scenes can only be created with content that already exists within the game, this is a real chance for our community to show off their creativity. [b]We’re taking submissions all the way until 22:59 UTC on April 22nd[/b], so there’s plenty of time for you to show us what you’ve got! If you’ve got some cool ideas and you’re feeling creative, why not [url=][i]make a scene[/i][/url]? [h2]Frequently Asked Questions[/h2] [h3]Can I submit more than one scene?[/h3] Yes you can. Feel free to submit as many scenes as you like, but remember that scenes will be judged on quality NOT quantity. More submissions doesn’t necessarily mean a higher chance of seeing your scenes in game. We’d always recommend submitting fewer scenes with lots of thought put into them than submitting multiple scenes that are less thought out. [h3]Will you accept scenes built by more than one person?[/h3] Yes, we will happily accept scenes that have been created by groups of people! Please note that, when it comes to including names in the credits, we are limited to 2x per submission. Because of this, we recommend submitting your scene under a team name for groups of 3x or more. [h3]Is my name guaranteed to appear in the Core Keeper credits?[/h3] We will only be including names from submissions that we have selected to appear in 1.0 and we reserve the right to edit or omit names submitted for the credits at our discretion. This is due to Core Keeper being an all-ages game, and content within the credits needs to reflect this. For the best chance of your name appearing as intended, [u]please avoid submitting anything inappropriate[/u]. It’s also important to note that we are only able to accept 2x names per submission. If you are working as a team, we recommend submitting a team name. [h3]Can I use mods to make my scene?[/h3] No. Please do not use any mods when creating your scene. We are unable to accept scenes that are created using mods. [h3]Are there any limits on the size of my scene?[/h3] Scenes are measured by the number of in-game tiles they occupy, and we welcome scenes that occupy spaces of up to 5x5, 10x10, and 20x20. We will also be accepting some scenes of up to 40x40 and 60x60 if you want to go a bit bigger. [h3]Are there any limitations to the world my scene is built in?[/h3] You are free to create your scenes in any world type, whether that’s standard, hardcore, casual, or creative. [h3]I’ve found a way to spawn in an item that isn’t available in creative mode but does exist in the game, can I use that in my scene?[/h3] We would advise against this. When creating a scene in creative mode, we ask that you only use the items available in the creative mode menu. You are allowed to build scenes around content that has naturally spawned in a standard, hardcore, or casual world, but we ask that you do not spawn these items in yourself. This is to ensure that the scene’s content is correct within the context of the world if it is selected for inclusion in 1.0. [h3]Can I build my scene in sub-biomes like the Mold Dungeon or the Molten Quarry?[/h3] Yes! We welcome scenes in all biomes, including sub-biomes like the Mold Dungeon and the Molten Quarry. When you submit your scene via the Jotform, please select the biome that the sub-biome appears in, i.e., Azeos’ Wilderness for the Mold Dungeon and The Desert of Beginnings for the Molten Quarry. [h3]I had a cool idea for a scene that uses a custom item/feature that isn’t in the game, can I mod this in or leave a note for the devs to add it?[/h3] While we love how creative our community can be, we are only accepting submissions for Scene Makers that include items/features that can be achieved in Core Keeper without additional input from the developers. We will be unable to consider scenes that use modded content or are built with the intention of us adding a new and/or custom item or feature. [h3]Can I use items from existing scenes in my scene, such as the Amber Boulder or the Beached Caveling Ship?[/h3] So long as you are not modding the game in any way to spawn these in, there is nothing to stop you building your scenes around such items. However, it’s important to note that we will be prioritising the inclusion of scenes that are unique and notably distinct from scenes that already exist in the game. Using an item or feature that is already the focal point of an existing scene may put you at a disadvantage. [h3]I’m worried about other people copying my ideas![/h3] As outlined in the submission rules, we are unable to moderate accusations of plagiarism/copied content. If you are worried about someone copying your work, we advise you not to share screenshots or discuss your ideas on public platforms.