The Hotfix is here!

Seeing you all explore Rainbow Drive and become absolute rulers of the Green Door queue has warmed our hearts beyond words, and we couldn't be more thankful for all your feedback! That being said, we wanted to address (and fix) the issues you have been reporting throughout the Launch Weekend, so here it is! [h1]The first patch for Techno Banter![/h1] This hotfix aims to address all the issues connected to progressing through the game: [list] [*] Fixed inability to select certain dialogue options using the controller [*] Fixed soft-lock caused by using skills without the required hype level [*] Fixed inability to progress through the Red Flags explanation during the dialogue with Gunthy [/list] If you run into any more pesky bugs, feel free to reach out to us either through our Discord server, our [url=]Community Hub[/url] or directly to our team at