The Geneve Update

[h1]Hey Drivers![/h1] New Update for #DRIVE Rally (v0.5.2.1) is live! This update introduces the brand-new car—The Geneve 1975—along with significant improvements to the time penalty system. We’ve also added new features to tackle excessive corner-cutting and incorporated various Quality of Life improvements suggested by the community. [previewyoutube=vQcB_zdvoj0;full][/previewyoutube] [b]Version -> v0.5.2.1[/b] [b]New Features:[/b] [list] [*] Introduced a slow-down feature that activates when you stray too far off-road. [*] Added extra safety tire walls to all short rally stages across all maps to prevent corner-cutting. The remaining tracks will be updated in future patches. [*] Disabled time penalties for breaking racing objects (tapes, nets, flags, direction signs, tire walls). While you'll still be slowed down when hitting them, no additional penalties will apply. [*] Disabled time penalty for Car Resetting. [i]Wrecking a car is a punishment in itself.[/i] [*] Added top-down camera option. – now you can experience the race like in the classic #DRIVE game [/list][b]Fixes:[/b][list] [*] Gamepad input adjustments for better control. [*] Tweaked drifting physics for smoother handling. [*] Fixes to car colliders. [/list] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/44741181/696cd4a75114b6f60e894912bb201deaad051d48.png[/img]New racing perspective. [b]New Car:[/b] With this update, we're excited to introduce the highly requested and anticipated new car! Let's welcome The Geneve 1975 in all its glory! [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/44741181/e6da1a8c4b4432b99943f71ce1908e154d4a2c4c.gif[/img] Please enjoy the game and report any issues! See you on the leaderboards, Drivers! [i]Pixel Perfect Dude Dev Team[/i] [h3]PLAY #DRIVE RALLY[/h3] Follow us on social media and be sure to join the official #DRIVE Discord to stay up to date on future updates and share your thoughts about the game with us and our community! See you on the road!