The first reviews are in!

[h3][b]The first reviews are in, folks, and we couldn't be happier![/b][/h3] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/44704352/1d15e37f6282ad4c5e3ce1181e2a5e226378aac1.jpg[/img] Our reviewers felt that although Zipp's Café is a small and short game, one thing is for sure, we put our hearts and souls into it and wanted to create a cute, bittersweet, cozy, and affordable game, that is not just a bridge between the two Chicken Police games, but much more: an entity in its own right. [i]“jump into Zipp’s Café for the noir vibes and wonderful characters, but stay for the utterly enjoyable drink and food-making” [/i] [b]GamesPew[/b] [i]“the developer just loves their world and characters so very much."[/i] [b]Destructoid[/b] [i]"a breath of fresh air"[/i] [b]But Why Tho?[/b] [i]“The game has more energy than a double espresso and is as addictive as that third cup of coffee you probably shouldn’t have had”[/i] [b]Geek Network[/b] [i]"Even if you’re just here for the low-energy café atmosphere, Zipp’s Café seems a fine way to spend three quid on Steam and a couple hours of your time."[/i] [b]Rock Paper Shotgun[/b] [h3][b]So, what's next for Zipp's Café?[/b][/h3] While we're absolutely bug-friendly - Frank can tell you that! - we're already working to fix all technical issues and remove all bugs that detract from the game experience on all platforms. So expect bug fixes, feature- and accessibility updates very, very soon! In the meantime, keep playing and loving the game, report problems on the discussion forum, and of course leave a review if you feel the game was worth the price and gave you a good experience. Play and chill a lot! [i]The Wild Gentlemen team[/i]