Rule a small fantasy kingdom and conquer your rival as you build up your cities and armies on the world map and command your troops on the battlefield. Small Kingdoms is a streamlined grand strategy and real-time strategy game, the Small Kingdoms Prologue is a free introductory campaign
We've published the first guide for Small Kingdoms Prologue. It's about world map basics, covering building construction, unit training, and commanding armies.
Guide: [url=]World Map Basics[/url]
The guide should be enough to get new players started and similar information is shown at the start of each campaign and is accessible by selecting Help from the in-game menu when on the world map.
We will be added more guides soon, starting with Battle Basics with similar information already available in-game when you start your first battle in each campaign and is accessible by selecting Help from the in-game menu when in battle.
Let us know if there are any topics you want us to cover
We hope you have fun with the game
Small Kingdoms Prologue Devs
Bad Logic Studios