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Space Dragons

Choose your spaceship and defeat the alien threat that comes from the Moon. Blast your way crushing, ripping apart and exploding hostile aliens that are taking control of powerful weapons and military technology from Earth. Find the entity that controls the threat and make it explode into blood.

[img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/41752357/f914264930db70c1d5e01acc9295a58bd95381d8.png[/img] First, we want to mention that with this update we're very close to releasing version 1.0 of Space Dragons and taking it out of Early Access. In fact we're already working on the update that will bring the final stage and boss, along with many new things. We thank you infinitely for playing Space Dragons and giving us your feedback at the meeting point and social networks. We love seeing the gameplays that you publish playing Space Dragons, they really make us very happy. During these months we have been working on many new things for you, Space Dragons is growing and adding very interesting things. Next we will talk about the new content. [list] [*] 2 new stages [*] More new enemies [*] Sounds update, we have also designed and added some really cool new sounds [*] Gameplay Settings [*] Fixed bugs and errors [*] We're polishing the interface [/list] We hope you like the new update. Seriusly, thank you very much for playing Space Dragons! <3