Apply programming concepts and develop applications and 2D games. PWCT2 is a visual programming language designed for enjoying visual programming and interactive visualization. It is written in the Ring programming language and supports importing and exporting Ring code.
In this little update we added the Distribute menu to the menubar
Using this menu, we can call Ring2EXE to prepare a distribution for our application.
When distributing application, we provide
1 - Ring Object File (A compiled version from the Ring text based source code generated by PWCT2)
2 - Ring VM
3 - Runtime DLL files required by Ring extesnions like RingQt, RingAllegro, etc.
To try this feature, Run PWCT2, click (Project Files), then select the Cards folder and open Cards.pwct
From Menubar select (Distribute) then select (Distribute light RingQt application)
Wait for the process to finish
Then open the (Target/Windows) folder where you will find Cards.exe and the related DLLs files.
The distribute menu also support generating a Qt project for Android/WebAssembly
Using Qt framework & Qt creator (version 5.15) we can build our RingQt project for Android or WebAssembly.
Also, we added the Web button to the Toolbar
Using this button we can run web applications that uses WebLib & CGI.
To try this feature run PWCT2, select (Project Files) then select the (Using WebLib) folder, Open the HelloWorld.pwct file and try to run it using the Web button in the Toolbar.