The Crusader mercenary is here! - Patch notes 04/13/2023


An beautiful open world anime RPG. Play offline or online.Fight against enemies and collect materials to evolve your character. Complete your card collection and explore three open worlds with 24 different classes at your disposal.

·New mercenary: The Crusader. A versatile helper who will support you in battle, protecting you with her shield, attacking enemies, and healing you when necessary. ·The Crusader is available for purchase at the in-game shop or can be unlocked through a special questline. ·Improved the game's AI system, making enemies more challenging and intelligent. Enemies will now respond even more accurately to the player's movements. ·Added new skills and abilities for the mercenaries, giving players more options in combat. These skills can be unlocked through leveling up or completing certain quests. ·Added new crafting recipes for players to discover, which will allow them to create new and powerful items. These recipes can be found throughout the game world or earned through completing quests. ·Implemented various bug fixes and quality-of-life improvements, including faster loading times, improved UI, and better controller support. ·A Japanese translation of the game is now on development. ·The next content will be a HUGE new instanced dungeon for max level players. Please be patient. We hope you enjoy this new update and look forward to hearing your feedback.