[h1]About the title[/h1]
We thought for a long time what name would suit the project to better convey the atmosphere and details of the plot. In the end, we agreed that the most suitable name is The Black Ice.
[b]The Black Ice[/b] is a rare geological phenomenon that occurs under the influence of extreme conditions in the depths of Antarctic ice. It is ice of abnormal black color, which may be the result of the presence in its structure of foreign particles of unknown, possibly cosmic origin. For example, its composition may contain traces of meteorite dust or other exotic substances that came to Earth millions of years ago and were absorbed by glacial masses.
The title accurately conveys the plot and essence of the game, because the protagonist will have to visit the Antarctic complex - a scientific station to study this Black Ice.
[h1]About game mechanics[/h1]
We have finalized all the main mechanics and tell you about some of them.
[*] Moving in the game is implemented with a 3rd-person view. The character climbs, squeezes, and ducks. You'll have to move around outside and inside the Vostok station a lot. Including running away.
[*] The protagonist will react to weather conditions. In AAA-projects this is already a familiar mechanic. Although our game is not so large, we believe that it is important for immersion in the atmosphere. For example, in a heavy snowstorm, the hero covers his face with his hand.
[*] The player will have a limited inventory, which can be expanded by finding special sub-bags. You will have to choose what is worth taking with you, and what for now will have to be left where you found it.
[*] There is a crafting system in the inventory. For example, by combining pills and bandages, you can assemble a first aid kit for treating wounds.
[*] While exploring the complex, the player will discover audio recordings and diaries. Familiarizing yourself with them will allow you to move further in the story and will be an aid for solving problems that arise on the path of our hero.
[*] Interaction with surrounding objects, cracking safes, entering codes, opening doors, viewing monitors and much more has been implemented.
[*] For the hero's defense, we made a shooting system with a 3rd-person view. Firearms are easy to find, but the amount of ammunition is extremely low. You will have to think several times before opening fire.
[h1]About the setting[/h1]
Imagine that you are locked alone in a huge complex full of dangers and secrets.
There are no partners or helpers around. You are completely alone in this dark and gloomy castle of horrors. What will you do?
This is the atmosphere waiting for you in the game “The Black Ice” - the atmosphere of loneliness.
The player will have to find out what happened on the Vostok station? What are the reasons for the SOS signal and complete lack of communication? Who or What is hiding behind the next door of the complex?