The Big Content Patch!

Boosted Survivors

Survive waves! Choose new abilities! Modify your hero in any way you like! Craft a powerful masterpiece, or a horrible concoction of awful ideas! Discover secrets! Sandbox your way to victory! Boost! Survive! Boosted Survivors!

Heyo friends, thanks for playing Boosted Survivors! Today we’re releasing a big content patch that includes: [list] [*] New starting spells! [*] New legendary upgrades! [*] A difficulty selection! [*] And other stuff! [/list] Since this patch includes a bunch of changes to the scoring system, we’re immortalizing our current top 10 players in the main menu. Thanks so much for pushing the game far beyond what we expected to be possible! Patch notes: [list] [*] Fixed projectile knockback. [*] Fixed game soft lock when banishing all boosts. [*] Fixed issues with enemies having immortality frames when they should not. [*] Increased Dash attack damage. [*] Increased Dagger attack speed. [*] Slightly buffed Acid Pool radius and duration, but increased its cooldown and tickrate. [*] Split Cascade into two upgrades. [*] Reduced Lightning radius boost. [*] Disabled Stunning Rose legendary from Rain. [*] Enemies are now immune outside of the screen. [*] Increased scores given out by bosses. [*] Increased enemy spawn rate. [*] Knocking enemies into the map border now deals damage to them. This damage increases based on the knockback amount. [*] Added at least one new Legendary for each weapon type. [*] Reworked “Echo Hammer” into “Thor’s Hammer”. (Very fun) [*] Reworked “Desolator Dagger”. [*] Added a new “Bogflamer” enemy. [*] Added “Firewall” starting spell. [*] Added “Summon Wiggy” starting spell. [*] Added “Unarmed” starting weapon. [*] Added “Talentless” starting spell. [*] Added “Mint Pudding” bonus boss. [*] Added difficulty options. Multiplies the power of enemies but also their score value. [*] Added “Bonus Score” drop. Spawns once per map after the first boss. Gives 50k score, which isn’t impacted by speed or round but is by difficulty. [/list] Lastly, added a bunch of more stuff for you to discover!