The Backrooms Regret - Demo Publishment

The Backrooms Regret

Are you ready to survive in this hostile world? Discover who you are and how you ended up in this dimension. But don't worry, you can rely on warm company that will make your experience much more 'pleasant.' Oh, and good luck, you'll need it.

Welcome to the first official announcement from Noirware on our Steam page. Today, we would like to announce that the DEMO of The Backrooms Regret will be released before the end of 2023. We believe we can have it between January 14. Some content creators may have the opportunity to try it earlier, but we have decided to provide almost a week of margin to address any issues that may arise. This DEMO will be translated into Spanish (Spain and Latin American) and English. Soon, we will continue to make announcements like this one. Add The Backrooms Regret to your wishlist and try the DEMO as soon as it is released! Stay tuned for more updates!