The Ascent

The Ascent is a solo and co-op Action-shooter RPG set in a cyberpunk world. The mega corporation that owns you and everyone, The Ascent Group, has just collapsed. Can you survive without it?

The following summary covers the key areas we have addressed in this new major Patch update for The Ascent on Steam. [h2]General[/h2] [list] [*] We have added a [b]new Melee weapon[/b] into the game. The uPlus bat can be found across the world by winning combat against Thugs in the world. [*] Ultrawide support has been improved with the following resolutions now available: 1024×768 1152×864 1152×872 1280×720 1280×800 1280×1024 1440×900 1600×900 1600×1200 1680×1050 1920×1080 1920×1200 2560×1440 3440×1440 [/list] [h2]Stability[/h2] [list] [*] Fixed an issue where Players could lose keyboard input in the interaction with the GunSmith in Cluster 13. [*] Fixed rare crash that could occur when taking a Taxi from “CorpZone” to “Arcology: Highstreet”. [/list] [h2]Co-op[/h2] [list] [*] Resolved an issue where EN bar recharge sometimes wouldn’t appear for Client Players. [*] Fixed an issue where the Host might be unable to skip a cutscene if they disconnected their controller in the loading screen & tried to reconnect before the loading was over. [*] Fixed an issue where Cyberdecks stopped functioning for the Client Player in some circumstances. [*] Resolved an issue where the Client Player could lose all equipped items including Cyberdeck if they hotjoins when a Host Player triggers the elevator. [*] Fixed instance where the Papa Feral’s Health Bar failed to appear for Client Players if certain conditions were met. [*] Addressed an issue where it could take several seconds until the Co-op Player’s weapon appeared after a Host Player takes a taxi, when in different zones. [*] Fixed an issue in Local Co-op where one Player taking the elevator in Lanier’s Apartment with another Player staying behind could cause world textures to unload. [*] Addressed specific instances where players in a Co-op session would hear the music from Coder’s Cove while in combat in Black Lake Towers. [*] Fixed a bug which could allow Local Co-op Players to temporarily take over the other Players’ vendor browsing. [*] Fixed an issue where spamming “Switch Character” while loading into an Online Co-op game could cause the “Select Profile” tab to become stuck on screen. [*] Fixed instances which could lead to a “Failed to join the session” becoming stuck on screen after accepting an invite to an Online Lobby. [*] Fixed a bug which could see NPCs in interior areas multiply for Online Co-op Clients if repeatedly entering and exiting interior locations while the Host remained in an outside location. [/list] [h2]Gameplay[/h2] [list] [*] Resolved a couple issues preventing the ‘Exotic Dinner’ Side Mission from being completed under set circumstances. [*] Fixed an issue where additional incorrect enemies would spawn in the Papa Feral fight during ‘Arcology Blues’ (Mission 1) [*] Addressed a potential progression blocker in ‘Liberation Operation’ Side Mission where after killing the Foreman the mission wouldn’t progress. [*] Fixed an issue in ‘Empowerment’ (Mission 4) where you could engage the Megarachnoid boss in combat before the cutscene had played, resolving a potential progression blocker. [*] Addressed an issue where utilizing Propulsion Leap against the Megarachnoid boss in ‘Empowerment’ (Mission 4) could under certain circumstances put Players in a state of invulnerability and unable to inflict damage. [*] Fixed a rare instance where rushing at the start of ‘Boardroom’ (Mission 10) could create a progression blocker. [*] Addressed instances where Ferals could get stuck in the environment, preventing completion of “Survive the Carnage” objective during ‘The Champ’ Side Mission. [*] Fixed an issue in ‘Empowerment’ (Mission 4) where the mission objective may not be updated after completing the ‘Boost Cooling System’ objective when the Host Player is far enough to get teleported by the Client Player. [*] Fixed an issue in ‘The Champ’ Side Mission where quitting the game mid-mission could cause no Feral’s to spawn upon resuming. [*] Fixed a navigation trail issue in the “Bubble Trouble” Side Mission at the ‘Search for Udina’ objective step. [*] Fixed an edge case progression blocker caused by Propulsion Leap in ‘Foreign Code’ (Mission 6). [*] Fixed several instances where Players utilizing the Propulsion Leap when attacking the Siege Mech enemy, including ‘Gun-Dolph’ could get stuck inside the Mech. [*] Resolved a potential progression blocker that could occur if quitting to Main Menu right after ‘Speak with 438 Hung’ mission step during ‘Trading Places’ (Mission 3). [*] Fixed an issue where Players could cause the ‘Gun-Dolph’ enemy during ‘Root Access’ (Mission 11) to glitch when attacked with Propulsion Leap. [*] Fixed a bug where holding the default “Confirm” button/key could lead to accidentally skipping of NPC dialogue. [*] Kira’s messages about civilians no longer play after ‘Unhandled Exception’ (Mission 12). [/list] [h2]Audio[/h2] [list] [*] The “Interruptor” weapon now delivers a more satisfying sound. [*] Addressed Kira IMP Voice Over dialogue being delayed. [/list] [h2]Translation[/h2] [list] [*] Improved translations for all languages. [*] Fixed various minor localisation issues. [/list] [h2]Fixes[/h2] [list] [*] Lots of assorted & minor collision issues. [/list]