The Almost Gone - Steam Games Festival Stream - Indie Pitch

The Almost Gone

Experience the intricate dioramas and connections of your life, and the ripples we all make, in this award-winning narrative puzzle game about death, loss, and mental health.

[b]Let David Prinsmel (Art Director) and Joost Vandecasteele (Writer) guide you through the story of how The Almost Gone got created![/b] In The Almost Gone, you are poised between life and death, isolated and alone, you must unravel the poignant truths that led to your fate. Dig beneath the beautifully rendered façades and interiors of an ordinary suburban lifestyle to discover a contemporary tale crafted by an award-winning author. Piece together this compelling story by revealing objects and memories, and decipher these clues to reveal more of the story and its secrets. From your own home to eerily deserted streets, beautiful apartment blocks to abandoned hospitals, you must search forensically for clues and the path forwards. Each new revelation takes you that one step closer to understanding, and to the people and places that surrounded you, in your all too short life. Why are you here? Why are you trapped? Will you ever get home? [b]DON'T FORGET TO SET A REMINDER AND JOIN US TO KNOW MORE ABOUT THE ALMOST GONE[/b]