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Liminal Void

This is a horror dungeon crawler where you snatch souls, cast spells, and die repeatedly. Select from 4 colorful characters and occasionally listen to them yap about their problems. It's very "mood."

Liminal Void was a one-man project. Naturally, a game like this would have a lot of bugs. But this is a Jeistar product, and our word is our bond. A lot was going on these past eight months of development. Ultimately, story guided the game's core functionality. As in if you can start the game, pick your character, go through the levels, then get to an got an experience worth remembering. The spellcasting, soul snatching, enemy AI, and scenario is just a backdrop. Hopefully for the time you spend playing our game, you think more about your feelings than arbitrary numbers. [b]GOT YOU![/b] ːsteamhappyː Thankfully we have a discord with constant updates from playtesters and fans. Breaking out into two categories: Easy Fixes and Hard Fixes. Easy fixes are typically small things missed during the development process, including last minute fixes that likely affected other systems. Typically someone mentions a bug that turns out to be a simple fix. These are things that can be done quickly. This game is very complex behind the veil. Sometimes a small fix for one system could create a bug for another system. Hard fixes are deep in the code and will involve a lot of troubleshooting and script fixes. A lot of the bugs and reports have been documented on the Jeistar Discord. Please join if you haven't! Let's Talk Dates and Results. [b]Update 1.01[/b] (August 31): Easy fixes [list] [*] Implementation of Analytics(back end): basically more feedback for development [*] More reliable spellcasting: right now sometimes your spells work, sometimes they don't [*] Intro Cutscene Fix: DO NOT PRESS ESC RIGHT AWAY [*] No more typos [*] No Sudden dying in Layer 223 [*] UI/Resolution Adjustment: This was made with 1080p in mind, that will change [*] Basic Graphics/Sound Settings Functionality [*] Sigil calculation fix: It is too chaotic right now. Sorry! I thought it was fun but I'm crazy :( [*] Other quick fixes updated in the Discord! [/list] [b]Update 1.1[/b] (Sept 27): Hard fixes [list] [*] Steamdeck and Controller Support, as well as Keybind Settings [*] Graphics Optimization Overhaul: Basically works better with regular pc's [*] Sound Design Overhaul [*] Refined Soundtrack with more songs: Please forgive me I'm not just a solo developer, I'm also a 1-man band :3 [*] Refined Difficulty Adjustment, including "SAFE" and "Chaos" [*] Ending Animation Sequences: I just think they're cool :) [*] More transparent Spell/Stats system [*] Refined UI [/list] [u]Some Insights on How to Play Liminal Void if you get confused:[/u] [list] [*] The enemies won't move towards you when you look at them, but they will when you look away. They can see you through walls. [*] Certain spells have "frenzy." That pretty much makes enemies go crazy then hopefully leave you alone [*] What does K do? It spawns a booster. Pretty useful if you get stuck(literally). But if you press it again too soon, it kills you. [*] The 100-sigil skill is pretty standard in clearing rooms, but they will fail you when you failed to soul snatch too many times. As in, all the enemies will come across the level to seek you out. Meaning, if you failed to soul snatch, then immediately used your special skill, there will likely be enemies approaching you once it is dun. There are a few seconds of vulnerability after the skill is used. It's very common to die right after using a skill because you activated chaos mode [*] Doors are meant to be opened up-close, not from a distance. There could be an entity behind it? Take the risk. Liminal Void is all about risk taking. [*] If a spell isn't working, try another. If all your spells fail, try to soul snatch. If that doesn't work, try to get closer. The closer you are, the more likely your soul snatch is successful. If all else fails, just collect sigils and use your special skill when you're in a bind. [*] Read the spell descriptions. Usually light means its good for doors, Med means they are actually gonna hit, and Heavy means there's also a side effect to it, like gravity, burn, etc. [*] Spells do more than damage! Some of them create gravity wells. Others burn other entities in a certain radius [/list] [u][b]REAL TALK[/b][/u] Before I made video games, I played video games. From a consoomer perspective, there's a lot of improvements Liminal Void needs. A lot of the people who bought it are super into it despite that. They're crazy! But I like crazy! Regardless, I want to make this game as accessible as possible. For whatever reason Liminal Void upsets you, you have my humblest apologies. Liminal Void was meant to have a perfect bug-free release. It was planned thoroughly with prototypes and such even before the project began. Sadly, a lot of real life stuff happened. I didn't factor them too much until it was too late. Liminal Void was two months delayed. Eventually I decided the release had to happen. This was my first game. If I wanted to take this path seriously, I need to just get it out the door. The reception, feedback, and honesty is what I need to improve at doing these kinds of things. Once again, to everyone who has purchased the game, Thank You! And a special thank you to all the OG's and Playtesters on Discord. Some of you were there when I stayed up all night on this current build. That means a lot to me. I will never forget it. I do this for you.