Thank you for Fantastic Anniversary! + New Statue Hunts

Shelter 2

Guide a powerful Lynx through vast open landscapes. Give birth to your cubs, raise and strengthen them by mastering your skills for hunting prey. Explore the wild beauty of nature and do everything possible to prepare your family for the vicious entities dwelling on the cold tundra.

[img][/img] [h1]Hello![/h1] A great big thank you to all of you who shared and played our Anniversary Play Event last weekend: we broke our 10k player target and raised a welcome donation for []Safe in Our World.[/url] We saw lots of you sharing the event on your social channels and some of you helping newbies around the place, and we do appreciate that for a fair few of you the Meadow was a little more crowded than you're used to - so thanks for sharing your space for the party <3 [h1]Elephants return[/h1] We're glad you enjoyed helping one another visit them all, and we've heard that many of you don't feel super keen on time limited achievements, so we'll be putting them back for another ten days, which we hope will be enough time for new players to find them all and will allow previous ones to finish up. Expect to see them some time on May 5th. We might add a few extra too, more info on that next week. You'll get achievements for the first, fifth and tenth elephant that you visit. [h1]More Shelter 3 statues to come...[/h1] The elephants were so popular that we thought we'd make some more statues for you to find, so in the next couple of months we'll be dropping a different kind of animal in for another ten days. Every animal will be from Shelter 3, and our first new animal will be appearing in June. We hope this is good news for you and thanks again for a really great super feel good anniversary weekend! Best Wishes and Stay Safe! Helen and the Team