Thank you for an amazing 2023 ❤️

[h2]Hey, Backpackers![/h2] 2023 has come to an end and [b]what a year it was![/b] Our game has changed a lot, and so have we! Working on Backpack Hero allowed us to learn and grow, achieve new things, start great friendships, explore exciting opportunities and gain valuable experiences. [b]Thank you for being part of this amazing adventure![/b] Your feedback and support allowed us to be where we are today. We’re really proud to end 2023 as one of [url=]The Year's Top Early Access Graduates on Steam[/url], with a great 1.0 release and even greater community ❤️ [b]Here’s to a wonderful 2024 🎉[/b] BTW, Steam’s Winter Sale and our Weekend Deal might be over, but the discount isn’t! [b]You can still get Backpack Hero 20% off until January 11th and join the adventure 🐭[/b] [b]Join the Backpack Hero community:[/b] [b][url=]DISCORD[/url] [url=]TWITTER[/url] [url=]TIKTOK[/url] [url=]REDDIT[/url][/b]