Thank you for 100k wishlists!

When I first started making [b]Sledding Game[/b], it wasn't even called [b]Sledding Game[/b], it was just something that I thought sounded fun to play with some friends. With a little less than 1 month in development, I decided to launch a store page on Steam. (something I've never done before). From what I was reading at the time, a decent indie game launch should have anywhere from 7k-10k wishlists for it to be a little successful. On January 9th, 2025 I clicked publish on the steam store, made an announcement on Instagram, and went to bed. I knew that people were excited to play and excited to see the store page, so I was hoping to wake up to like 500 wishlists in the morning. On January 10th, 2025, to my surprise, [b]15 THOUSAND PEOPLE[/b] added my game to their wishlist in the first day of the store page being live. [b]THE FIRST DAY![/b] This kept climbing and I kept refreshing the page multiple times every morning. [b]After about 9 days we hit 100,000 wishlists![/b] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/45410117/774397c22d48a4fcb0a6564d4c9071e78462fb23.gif[/img] Going from an unnamed Unity project to over 100,000 wishlists on Steam in just a month is something I never thought possible—let alone something I could accomplish on my own. [h1]THANK YOU![/h1] I can't thank everyone enough for the kind words and support over the past month and a half. The messages on Instagram, the comments, the discord chats, the DMs...everywhere I look it's just people having fun, helping others, and giving suggestions. I say this a lot to my parents and those around me, but even with this many people following the project, I don't think I've read a single negative comment, and that's something special. It's just a massive community of genuine individuals all looking to play a little sledding game with a frog. When I started this project (as with most projects) it was just a test - something that I thought I might put a little time into and then work on the next project. But after seeing the reactions both here on Steam and on social media, my goals have shifted and I'm hoping to give everyone here the best game I can make and I hope the final result is something you’ll love as much as I’ve loved working on it. [h3]First 2 weeks down, what could possibly happen in the next 2 months!??!?[/h3] [h2]Follow Along with Development[/h2] [list] [*][]Join the Discord[/url] if you like chatting with other sled-minded individuals [*]Follow on [url=]Instagram[/url] / [url=]TikTok[/url] / [url=]YouTube[/url] for daily updates [*][url=]Follow my developer page[/url] [*]And of course, [url=]Wishlist and Follow Sledding Game[/url] [/list] [][img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/45410117/b14500de550a248fb94e0ee3850b609164259d56.gif[/img][/url]