Terra Incognita is a classic role playing game. The world of Terra is slowly falling into chaos. A great war is coming and It's time to take up arms against a corrupt royal family. You must travel across this huge world and unite the nations of Terra, recruiting comrades along the way.
Hey everyone,
First off, Happy new year! I hope you all had an awesome Christmas time and are enjoying the new year so far.
[H1]What's in Terra 1.5[/H1]
The 1.5 update will contain the following:
[*][b]Bug fixes galore[/b] - The blasted battle crash. Most of you know as G_Battle_System_Area - Invalid integer.
[*][b]Battle system update[/b] - More balanced, timing improved.
[*][b]Collision improvements[/b] - Slightly less clumsy when exploring the map.
[*][b]Updated graphics[/b] - Some earlier game sprites for example - Lots of early game content was drawn ages ago. My pixel art has been improving over the dev time. So I switched out some bits and also commissioned some new improved item sprites.
[*][b]More monsters and variations![/b] - Hunting a larger variety of monsters is always cool right?
[*][b]More story[/b] - Now you can progress further into the story.
[*][b]More in game content[/b] - Towns, items, recruitable characters, battle pets and more.
[*][b]More lore[/b] - Learn more about the world and history of Terra.
Also - Every recruitable character in Terra has back story that will be explored through side quests. A couple of these side quests can be sought out and completed in 1.5
[H1]Wait! So it's not finished?[/h1]
No. It's not done. I have the content for the rest of the game implemented, but getting it all working and spending time to test it all, is long hard work. Don't get me wrong, I love doing it. But I'm going to be straight, I have a way to go.
[h1]When EXACTLY will 1.5 ACTUALLY go live?[/h1]
Any day now. It could be tomorrow, or the day after, or even the day after. I absolutely have to get this smoothed out and fully, 100% playable with no game killing bugs. It's done, it's in testing and it's at the last hurdle before I roll it out on Steam.
[H1]Why is it called 'The Drowned King' - Did the game name change?[/h1]
This is the name of the update, it's because there is a major side quest called 'The Drowned King' in game now. It's been my favourite side quest to write and design. No spoilers so don't ask ;)
From here on out until the final version is live on Steam, each update will be thoroughly packed with content. Each content update will have a new name.
[h1]About the delays with content updates[/h1]
As most of you will know, Terra has had a long and bumpy development road. Loads of delays and content updates pushed way back. I know this sucks and I can't make any excuses for it. Instead of just making excuses, I'd like to share a bit of my story with you all.
At the start of the development for Terra, years ago. I was massively unprepared for the development journey ahead. Like a lot of devs, I had worked on small games, as a part of small teams, mostly small jobs. Going solo on this project was crazy, when I look back I feel anxious about how much work I set myself up for. The C# to RM engine switch, the story writing, the pixel art (Before I could afford to commission a couple of artists to help me) and the game design in general. I vastly underestimated my workload, all while trying to run Back To Basics Gaming (We publish indie games) which pay the bills.
[H1]Anything else?[/H1]
The story and script for Terra 2 is mostly written. This was done a long time ago. And I can promise everyone that has supported Terra 1 will get a free Steam key. I'm happy to do this as a thank you for being patient and supportive. I appreciate it more than you guys know.