Teal is a turn based multiplayer strategy game with simultaneous turns; think chess with guns, that have mind bending trajectories. Games are played on a variety of maps, each with a different focus. Adapting your team composition and anticipating the opponent's next move is the key to victory.
Teal is out now and we would like to take a moment to talk a bit about it. If you don’t care about that then we would just quickly like to thank our beta testers and we hope you enjoy Teal.
We are a small team from Austria and Teal started as a student project. But even after the course wrapped we wanted to keep working on it and release it.
[i]Early Teal Prototype[/i]
[i]Shiny Teal[/i]
So, we created a greenlight campaign and started marketing it on social media. But with no budget or prior experience, it was tough to get people to notice it. Funnily enough we were able to get the marketing counted as credit towards a different course. But in the end, it worked out and were we greenlit right as the Greenlight service was shut down.
Now we had a Steam page and just needed to get Teal ready to release. This took around 9 months because we were also writing our master theses at that time. But it is now ready and we would like to thank our beta testers, who really helped us iron out some kinks at the end.
[i]We had a lot of star shaped bugs[/i]
[i]But generally stuff like this[/i]
We hope you enjoy your time with Teal, we certainly did making it. So grab a friend and play a couple of matches.