Taxi Life Developer Blog #10 |

Taxi Life: A City Driving Simulator

Climb into the driver's seat of your car and your business, transport passengers across Barcelona and grow your company! Can you help relieve the transportation challenges of a city that never sleeps?

[img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/42073432/e78ac7d9a0e5cdfb436b5ac666bf9db4a1aca207.png[/img] We’re well into 2023 and we got some fresh new content from the development of Taxi Life. We shared some stuff with you guys on our[url=] last Mondays livestream[/url] and now, we’re going into more detail about some of the things that we have implemented. Let’s dive right in! [h2]Progression Panel[/h2] We added a new progression panel where players will be able to add skills points to their character that will benefit them throughout their adventures in Barcelona. At first, the player won’t have access to all the perks as we want the player to explore the city and play at their own pace which will lead to unlocking more perks later down the line. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/42073432/0405d9326e915730a64e05d55107e04bcdd03d68.png[/img] [h2]New Vehicle Model Added[/h2] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/42073432/58c99a04aef24590aa945bd5491a6ca35555b079.png[/img] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/42073432/b1b4fc6d991bccafc1d14cb4fbbc4854c62ca5a5.png[/img] We added a new vehicle model into Taxi Life making it the 5th vehicle we added into the current build. Obviously, all vehicles are modified in such a way to avoid licensing issues and we will never unfortunately have real makes and models in Taxi Life. So, which real-life vehicle model does this remind you of? [h2]New Collectible System[/h2] Collectibles are also going to be an activity players will be able to do in Taxi Life while exploring the city. Driving around you’ll encounter messages notifying you that there is a collectible nearby as shown below: [previewyoutube=Dc7ag5n8u74;full][/previewyoutube] Now – these messages won't give you the exact location of the collectible, and it will be up to the keen eyed of you to find the object. Some will be easier and some more difficult but sure enough with enough due diligence, you'll find it! [h2]Company Management Panel[/h2] We mentioned the company management panel before and we showed you guys a sneak peak of what’s to come and now, we have a little bit more to show. Company management won’t be available to players at the start of the game as we want to ease players into the game rather than just showing everything that they can do at once. Think it makes sense. With that being said, company management will be available to the players later down the line where they will be able to hire/fire drivers, buy vehicles, as well as manage their finances. Check out some of the cool images below: [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/42073432/d4e489a7af654e50a23a34b7f8445e40de121ac7.png[/img] For now – that about sums it up! We hope you enjoyed this edition of our developer blog and in case you missed it, make sure to [url=]check out the livestream we did with Unreal Engine[/url] where we took a deep dive with our Art Director and Head of Development on how we generate cities at a 1:1 scale! A big shoutout to our community on [url=]Discord[/url] and if you want to be a part of it, make sure to join and stay up to date with the latest and greatest news from Taxi Life. See you in the next one! Hasta La Proxima, Mike Simteract Community Manager