Tallowmere: Now available in Portuguese-Brazil and Slovenian


Raise your shield. Indulge Lady Tallowmere and her lovingly violent dungeons. New rooms are created every time you play. How deep can you delve?

[h1]Version 350.7 – 2 March, 2018[/h1] Languages added: [list] [*]Portuguese-Brazil – translated by Lucas Videla. [*]Slovenian – translated by Alen Korez. [/list] Android DLC: [list] [*]Added support for the IPEGA PG-9037 controller. [/list] Fixes: [list] [*]Fixed an issue where thousand-separators were not being added for numbers surpassing 1,000,000. [*]Fixed a souls-related crash that could occur if red, green, and purple souls were disabled via the Punisher. [/list] [h1]Version 350.9 – 11 September, 2018[/h1] [list] [*]Updated engine to Unity 5.6.5p4. [*]Fixed an issue where video wouldn't work if user's graphics card was set to scale the screen. [/list]