Tales From Off-Peak City will take us back to Cosmo D's world | The Norwood Suite | Gamehypes

Tales From Off-Peak City will take us back to Cosmo D's world

The Norwood Suite

Explore the mysterious Hotel Norwood in this surreal first-person adventure. Curious characters, forgotten secrets, and head-nodding music await your arrival.

Even if the name weren’t a giveaway, you’d know Tales From Off-Peak City is a Cosmo D game from the philosophical pizza order, the eclectic collections of oversized objects, a building morphed into a face, and his visual style that I’ve just realised reminds me of 90s multimedia CD-ROMs. The musician and developer recently announced his next game set in the world of Off-Peak, another first-person adventure game exploring a strange place, poking into secrets, opening drawers and pressing buttons, and getting tangled in something stranger than it first seems. I am well up for another Cosmo D game.
