Tacview 1.9.3 beta 8


Eager to understand what really happened during your last flight? Tacview is a universal flight data analysis tool which enables you to easily record, analyze and understand any flight to improve your skills much faster than with conventional debriefings.

[h2]FEATURES & CHANGES[/h2] [list] [*]ADDED DCS: Sinai Map [*]ADDED traditional Chinese localization from 張炯 "Billeinstein" [*]ADDED compact Aspect-Angle label option [*]ADDED numerous entries to the database [*]ADDED x0.1 and x0.05 playback speeds [*]ADDED support for 21-bit UTF-8 characters [*]MPROVED label between selected objects is more intuitively positioned in the 3D view [*]IMPROVED terrain loading time on computers with a small amount of RAM [*]IMPROVED plane is now removed from the world after the end of its csv file [*]IMPROVED support of GPX files meta-data [*]IMPROVED addons DLL loading errors handling [*]IMPROVED DCS2ACMI debug log [/list] [h2]FIXES[/h2] [list] [*]FIXED calculated CAS not displayed in labels in Tacview Starter [*]FIXED inaccurate warning when playing back a file with an anti-cheat delay [*][b]FIXED crash when attempting to debug a .NET addon or throwing an exception in C#[/b] [*]FIXED crash reporter not catching some rare exceptions [*]FIXED rare installer freeze on some systems [/list]