Survival Edition is here!

Fear the Dark Unknown

The clock is ticking and the survival game can no longer be stopped. James and Chloe have been chosen and nothing will ever be the same again after discovering the Dark Unknown.

[list] [*] Implemented different levels of difficulty for puzzles: Easy / Medium / Hard [*] Implemented a new system for bite attacks from enemies [*] Added daggers to defense against enemies [*] Improved graphics with better textures and a new lighting quality for high-end computers [*] Changes in cameras to improve visual experience [*] Changes in levels to improve decoration [*] Added new playable sequences, more puzzles and new clues [*] Added new cinematics for storytelling [*] Improved AI of the enemies [*] Improved player aiming system [*] Better optimization for low-end computers [*] Added new sounds and voices for enemies [/list]