Just a q..." inertia>

Just a q..." inertia>

Just a q..." inertia> Surprise Remaster Pathologic Classic HD Dated | Pathologic Classic HD | Gamehypes

Surprise Remaster Pathologic Classic HD Dated

Just a quick one to start your day: in case you’ve been wondering when the surprise release of the partially remastered ‘Classic HD‘ version of notorious first-person survival game Pathologic [official site] will be, I can now answer that for you. This is not, just to clear up understandable confusion, the recently Kickstarted remake of Ice Pick Lodge’s wildly ambitious but somewhat rickety psychological oddyssey, but rather a spit’n’polished version of the original. Arguably more important than the improved graphics are the new translation and voice-acting, which for many of us was the greatest barrier to entry.

… [visit site to read more]