Supreme League of Patriots Issue 3 Patch Update (Feb. 10, 2015)

Supreme League of Patriots - Episode 3: Ice Cold in Ellis

Now an official Manhattan superhero, The Purple Patriot is still searching for his ticket to the big time. So when he learns of a siege at Wilson Chase bank, he realizes this is exactly the opportunity he's been waiting for. Forced to battle his own prejudices as much as terrorists, he sets about finding out who is behind the attack.

• Walk speed increased for all characters. • Skipping through conversation is now faster. Less pause in between lines, in general, as well. • Hitbox of verb wheel choices enlarged. • Letterbox black borders do not show character models anymore. • Audio setting changes are now immediate. • Streamlined some puzzle logic. • Fixed a bug which could cause the inventory arrow buttons to stop working after repeatedly loading a saved game. • Fixed a bug which could prevent the menu buttons from appearing when running in a non-native resolution. • Fixed a bug which could cause the game to freeze/lock during certain conversations if you're running at a very low frame rate. • Various subtitle typo fixes. • New map locations will not be available until you reach the bank. • You can now exit through the apartment door on the second attempt. • Underpants sign in Patriotcave is now safe to click for all players. • Fixed the system menu block in NYPD and Kyle’s bedroom. • Laptop setup at bank street can now also be triggered by giving it to Mel. • Laptop on squad car now highlights when spacebar is pressed. • Transition between bank front office and back office is now quicker. • Chain at Ellis Island can now also be taken after getting hint from Mel. • Players can now read what characters were thinking on Ellis Island at showdown.