Super Bullet Break: Key Features and Items

Super Bullet Break

Save the world of online multiplayer games from a rogue AI in this deck-building strategy roguelite! Collect more than 160 cute and colourful Bullets as you move through maps based on iconic game genres and defeat enemies in challenging turn-based combat.

[h3]Happy Monday, Super Bullet Breakers,[/h3] long time no see! We hope you've enjoyed getting a first look at [i]Super Bullet Break[/i] during Steam's Going Rogue event! Today, it's time to learn some more about [i]Super Bullet Break'[/i]s key features and items. Always remember, getting to know all about the key mechanics of a game, is the first step in becoming a true champion. So, let's dive right in! [h3][u]Key Features [/u][/h3] First, and most importantly, there's no[i] Super Bullet Break[/i] without its [b]Bullets[/b] and there are over 160 of them - plenty to choose from! They're each beneficial in their own way and their data will not only show their Name but also their Rarity, Cost, Ability, Attack Power, and Attack Range. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/42227446/9e29cd0000e101a86e04575459b9c8ff8c10d98c.gif[/img] Each Bullet is attached to a [b]Cartridge[/b] indicating its Name, Value, Ability, and Activity. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/42227446/8c85e6854b2a530bdf520c2ab5dcc343007fbd5d.png[/img] For now, that's all the information necessary to navigate your Bullets and the Cartridges attached to them, so let's talk game features now. [i]Super Bullet Break[/i] is much more than just its battle mechanics (which we'll teach you about in time) but there's much more to explore. How about you check out the [b]Messages [/b]on your character's phone? Here you'll find [b]Missions [/b]you'll need to progress, [b]Game News [/b]which will update you on what's going on in the Game World, and [b]Conversations [/b]which are fun and casual chatter between the girls! The [b]Field Guide[/b] is your place to check your progress, here you'll find the Bullets and Cartridges you have collected along the way, the story so far, as well as your gameplay records! [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/42227446/a897b0447004ceb78f74021786504fc56ada4705.png[/img] But that's not all, once you're getting started with the actual game there's much more to discover. We've talked about Bullets before but did you know you can get an extra Bullet by rolling up to 3 times for a [b]Supporting Bullet[/b] at the beginning of each mission? Another way to collect more Bullets is through[b] Scouting Tickets[/b] which you can get a hold of a number of different ways by either being given them at Event Blocks, buying them, or winning them at Treasure Blocks. No matter how you get them, exchange them at the shop for a Bullet of your choice by selecting two data traits. [u][h3]Items [/h3][/u] Check your backpack to see, use, or discard a maximum of six items. They'll be useful for you in a number of different ways from restoring HP to giving you advantages over enemies. There's plenty of items to win and buy such as [list] [*] [b]Potions [/b]- They restore HP (depending on which type of Potion you acquire, they'll restore up to 30 HP) [*] [b]Prophecy [/b]- This item inflicts a countdown on random foes but leaves bosses unaffected [*] [b]Forbidden Fruit[/b] - They inflict confusion on all foes [*] [b]Feeble Foes[/b] - This item, on the other hand, inflicts feeble on all foes [*] [b]Buggo Amber[/b] - An item that dispels all enemies [/list] ... and soooo many more! [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/42227446/145a23cd8192a1802688741d20105e9376e5d14d.png[/img] These are just a few of [i]Super Bullet Break[/i]'s amazing and fun features, but we just don't want to spoil the surprise. [b]Keep your eyes out for more exciting announcements and content coming your way. [/b]