SUPER 56 V1.18 + Loads of other News


SUPER 56 challenges players to overcome 56 genre-bending mini-games with the press of a single button. Compete in daily challenges, earn achievements, and destroy high scores. Outlandish chaos awaits you in Hell!

Hi SUPER 56ers! First off we have released a patch which addresses the Eagle Eye Cherub achievement on the Golf Stage. I thought I'd squashed this bug already but it seems I'd missed some conditions. Pretty sure it's fixed now! So, now that the majority of bugs are fixed we can begin looking at new content. Yay! After talking with Whisper Games I can confirm that the content drop will be FREE! Which is totally the best price! I'm aiming for it to be a significant update too, with a good amount of new fun things to do in the game along with some surprises. The soundtrack will be released alongside an upcoming price discount to try to attract more new users to SUPER 56, this will happen before the end of the year. Finally, SUPER 56 is now STEAM DECK VERIFIED! Which is pretty awesome news too. Lastly, as of 16:10 GMT I am the current top player on the Daily Challenge, so please come and beat my score heh heh heh That's all for now :D