Sunset Hills is going to be live on Kickstarter!

Sunset Hills

After being discharged from the army and starting to write novels, Nico embarks on a trip to the world with the roar of a train, encountering all kinds of people and events on the way, and experiencing the new world after the war, and the real purpose of Nico's trip gradually emerges ......

Sunset Hills is going to be live on Kickstarter! [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/42550174/cb901325f45ea66ffe2f987cebe0cba24d7a743d.png[/img] [b]Our Plan[/b] We're targeting a Q3 2024 release for our game on PC via Steam and Nintendo Switch with versions for Android and iOS to follow. While releases across these platforms may not happen simultaneously, we are committed to ensuring that backers receive their copy of the game as soon as it becomes available on their selected platform. [b]Why Kickstarter?[/b] The game is almost done, but as the saying goes in game development: "the last 20% is 80% of the work!" We still have a lot to do-polishing, audio design, balancing, localization, and porting all of which are costly. Having developed this game for years without the support of a publisher or marketing team, we've decided to launch a Kickstarter campaign. This will allow our fantastic community and supporters to help us cross the finish line ourselves, Every backer plays a crucial role in helping us create something truly special! Sunset Hills will be officially launched on Kickstarter soon. Please click“Notify me on launch” button to get information as soon as the campaign begins [url=] [/url] Sunset Hills Development Team