Sunday Gold Patch 1

Sunday Gold

Sunday Gold is a point-and-click, turn-based adventure game set in grim, dystopian future. Play as a ragtag trio of criminals to hunt down and expose the dark secrets of an evil mega-corporation and the malevolent billionaire behind it.

[h3]Alright, it's time for some updates! [/h3] We've been hard at work on a number of changes, and they're just about ready improve your Sunday Gold experience! Update your game, and dive back in! [list] [*] Fixed multiple crashes during final boss [*] Fixed the observe skill, that was not working correctly after entering inventory menu. [*] Fixed some text sizes that were problematic in different languages. [*] Fixed the dumpster fire happening too soon during the prelude. [*] Fixed a photo minigame speed cursor issue. [*] Tweaked Frank's picklock minigame false result bug. [/list]