Sumo! Revise: I am going to redeem this game.

Hi everyone! I had a sudden urge a few weeks ago to do something about Sumo! Revise here. Small backstory: Sumo! Revise was the reason I quit development for several years. Upon release, it got what, at the time, was pretty major backlash, netting tons of negative reviews and some people writing me some. . . well, choice comments, about what I made. This really dragged my confidence to the ground. Later the same year, Rubber Ducky moved through Greenlight and released as well to better reception. But Sumo! Revise stuck in my mind and kinda' acted as a metal block to anything I tried to do in the future. I'm now several games down the line of Sumo! Revise, working full time as a game developer, and I think it's time to redeem it. Here's how. [list] [*] Step 1: I will be changing the game to F2P, starting tomorrow, since the game no longer makes sales. To anyone that has spent money on the game - please email and I will give you a key to Kyle is Famous, which is $15 and worth a lot more than Sumo! Revise was. [*] Step 2: Update the Steam backend. I have added in a ton of missing branding assets on Steam, redone the tags, updated info, etc. This actually means a lot for the Steam algorithm to recommend the game. [*] Step 3: Updating the game, slightly. I want to make a couple really important changes to the game. Firstly, I want to make "professional mode" the default so there's a score counter and time in between matches. I want to decrease the lag after attacking, and I want to add some air influence. These changes will be made carefully to not tread on the original vision of the game, but I think will be enough to make the game a lot more fun. Note: this WILL depend on whether I can find the original game files. We shall see! [*] Step 4: Tournament? Depending on the reception, I may even host a small tournament with a pot off of my Discord. Keep tabs for that. [/list] The goal will be to reverse the flow of negative reviews and get Sumo! Revise to be at least "Positive" here on Steam. If I can get there, I will be immensely satisfied. If you want to help me get there, I'd appreciate a review! But of course, please only do so if you truthfully enjoyed the game. :) Love you all. Thank you for reading. -John