Summer Update!


BAAM SQUAD is a VR zombie co-op shooter following a band of four brave agents seeking to shoot, loot and run in order to solve the mystery case of Santana's Sweets Factory: The place where it’s been taken over by zombies eating human flesh and candies!

[img][/img] [b]SALE : 15% OFF![/b] [list] [*] Continues til the first week of July (PST) [*] Get it now if you haven't! [/list] [b]NEW WEAPONS[/b] ※ Use conveyor belt to collect'em all! [list] [*] M.O.T [img][/img] [*] Russian Roulette [img][/img] [*] Meanie Gun [img][/img] [*] BaZooka [img][/img] [/list] [b]NEW ZOMBIES[/b] [list] [*] Freezers: appear from Round 16 [*] Spider Zombies: appear from Round 21 [/list] [b]IMPROVEMENTS[/b] [list] [*] Bulky Zombies: appear from Round 13 [*] Improvement on sound effects [*] Minor bugs fixed [/list] [b]BALANCE[/b] [list] [*] Doors became cheaper to unlock [*] Some weapons became stronger [*] Boss Zombie became faster but slightly weaker [*] All these changes will help you to survive longer than Round 9, our tip is that you use conveyor belt and get the new weapons ASAP! [/list] We hope you enjoy the new update! Let us know what you think about it on [url=] Discord [/url]! See you in the sweets factory, THE BAAM SQUAD TEAM.