Summary of Summer Updates

Battle Grounds III

After 6 years of development, Battle Grounds III (BG3) is the next iteration in the classic franchise which began 17 years ago. Prepare for battle in the American War of Independence!

Attention, soldiers! It has been a while since the game received a large update; however, over the past few months, the game has nonetheless received a larger number of smaller updates. Their changes are summarized here. Also, be aware that there will be another update this weekend, which introduces a new voting system! [list][*]Added sg_boston to default mapcycle [/*][*]Fixed British Officer model [/*][*]Fixed Light Infantry hitboxes [/*][*]Adjusted hitboxes on Jaegar, Native, Frontiersman, Continental Officer, and French Officer models [/*][*]Added missing out of tickets texts [/*][*]Added mp_tickets_timelimit to siege cfgs [/*][*]New knife animations (again) [/*][*]New Tomahawk animations [/*][*]New "Newfoundland Infantry" model for the Green Light Infantry uniform [/*][*]Experimental new weapon, the gunstock war club for native (it does more damage when swung in the air, and gives a speed boost on each kill) [/*][*]Added bg_horseshoe as semi-official map [/*][*]Buffed Trade Musket and Dagger weapons [/*][*]Tweaks to bg_abbey [/*][*]Fixed lighting on a barrel model [/*][*]Removed deroga from default mapcycle until such time that it can be fixed [/*][*]Players now have to join a team (or spectate) before being able to chat [/*][*]Tweaked exp bottle texture [/*][*]Added maps/vmfs/example_map as an example map for mapper[/*][*]New Spontoon and beltaxe animations [/*][*]Fixed a rare crash that could occur in the class menu [/*][*]Fixed weird cartridge paper in the Sea Service and Common Carbine reload animations. [/*][*]Fixed issue whereby players would be mistakenly auto-oppressed. [/*][*]Added many new props for mapmakers, courtesy of danihel[/*][*]Added missing gunstock world model and menu icons [/*][*]Tweaked gunstock adrenaline mechanic [/*][*]Tweaked bottle hit-world sound [/*][*]Bots no longer block XP [/*][*]Added bot_minplayers_delay to control when the server checks whether or not it should add bots after map change [/*][*]EXP system is now at least temporarily enabled on every map. [/*][*]Darkened the bonus 4th American uniform to make its 'camoflouge' ability more closely match other uniforms. [/*][*]Added new quality models courtesy of @danihel (can we get that fish to be an alternative to the bottle?) [/*][*]Added [b]gag[/b] and [b]ungag[/b] command for stopping a player's text chat messages without stopping their voice chat. The shorthand commands for this are [b]g[/b] and [b]ug[/b]. Gagged is preserved between player leaving/joining and between maps just as mute is. [/*][*]Mute command now only blocks voice chat, not text chat. [/*][*]Added [b]silence[/b] and [b]unsilence[/b] commands for both gagging and muting players. The shorthand commands for this are [b]sl[/b] and [b]usl[/b] [/*][*]Added [b]sv_rtv_enabled[/b], [b]sv_rtv_nomination[/b], and [b]sv_rtv_threshold [/b]for controlling the new RTV system. [/*][*]Certain console commands can now be entered directly into chat without being prefaced with ! or / . This can be turned off with [b]sv_chatcommands 0[/b]. These commands are listed below: [list][*][b]rtv [/b] rocks the vote. The map name is an optional parameter that only the first person rocking the vote can enter, which will specify the map to change to after a successful RTV. The map nomination part can be turned off with [b]sv_rtv_nomination 0[/b]. The required threshold for rtv completion is determined by [b]sv_rtv_threshold[/b]. [/*][*][b]currentmap[/b] reports the name of the current map to chat [/*][*][b]nextmap[/b] reports the name of the next map to chat (or sets it, if you're an admin and you provide a map name after it) [/*][*][b]pings[/b] reports the average pings of each team [/*][*][b]ff[/b] reports the states of the various friendly fire variables [/*][*][b]respawn[/b] reports the value of mp_respawntime[/*][/list][/*][*]Fixed the RTV system on map start: added [b]sv_rtv_delay[/b] to set the time after map change that must pass before players can start RTV again. Default is 120 seoonds. [/*][*]As well, there must now be at least 3 players in-game (who aren't spectators) in order for RTVs to happen at all. [/*][*]Added new, disabled by default, experimental commands for the voting system which can be entered into chat. These include [b]votekick[/b], [b]votemute,votemap[/b], [b]votescramble[/b], and [b]vote[/b]. These are controlled by variables [b]sv_vote_scramble_enabled[/b], etc. Example usage of this would be for a player to type [b]votescramble[/b] into chat to begin a vote for scrambling the teams, and then other players type [b]vote 1[/b] into chat to vote yes, or [b]vote 2[/b] to vote no. This system isn't fully tested (which is why it's off by default), so experiment at your own peril! The system will be improved and enhanced in future updates, including providing an easier-to-use GUI. [/*][*]Added more model work from @danihel ! He should post some pictures here[/*][/list]